In Northern Vermont lies a quaint town named Stowe with a population of around five thousand. The town’s description may sound unassuming, but just one glance at this idyllic hamlet will show you why this town is a nationally acclaimed destination for tourists year-round. Stowe, Vermont is a must-visit spot at any time of the year, but it particularly glows in the winter.
Earlier this year, Stowe, Vermont was named by Condé Nast Traveler as one of the best places to travel in February, Stowe is a great spot for a weekend getaway during the wintery months, as it’s well known for its ski resorts and picturesque, old-fashioned town that only looks better with a fresh layer of snow.
Stowe, Vermont takes home 5 Readers’ Choice Awards
USA Today also recently praised the town of Stowe in several of its “Readers’ Choice Awards” categories for 2022. Ranking fourth as one of the best ski towns in North America in 2022. Stowe Mountain Resort got a special shoutout in the 10 best ski resorts and the Trapp Family Lodge made the list for the 10 best ski hotels and 10 best cross-country skiing resorts. And the Cliff House in Stowe is home to the sixth best ski restaurant in North America according to USA Today.
With two different mountains in the area, Spruce Peak and Mount Mansfield, Stowe Mountain Resort is unique in that a ski lift connects the two— so you can easily ski down both in the same day. With a vast array of intermediate to black diamond runs, it’s no wonder they call Stowe the Ski Capital of the East. There’s even a ski and snowboard museum in town!
In the village of Stowe, there’s no shortage of charming accommodations, from cozy inns to B&Bs. And a picturesque downtown that makes for a post-card-worthy view coupled with the charming small local vendors selling their homemade goods at general stores, home goods, and along Main Street.