A new survey shares that you’ll find come of the worst concert etiquette in Massachusetts. If you’ve ever been to a concert in Massachusetts, you may or may not agree with these findings. Regardless, a recent survey of fans documenting 23 most commonly reported annoyances at concerts, suggests that Massachusetts has some of the most rambunctious fans.
Despite our stereotypes as ruthless and aggressive sports fans, it seems the behavior isn’t only unleashed by game night.
The study comes from Betaway, which surveyed over 2,000 fans. It asked them to mark how many of 23 “disruptive concert behaviors” they experienced in each state.
Massachusetts had some of the highest numbers of reported disruptive behaviors, with almost half of the annoyances present. 11.6 exactly of the behaviors averaged as present at concerts in Massachusetts.
While we might be wicked smaht, it sounds like we could use a class on concert etiquette 101.
Most annoying concert habits
What are some of these irritating concert behaviors? According to fans, of the 23, these are the most omnipresent and obnoxious concert behaviors:
- Standing in seats
- Shoving
- Holding a sign blocking people behind you
- Sitting on shoulders
- Uncontrolled intoxication
- Screaming
- Dancing without consideration for those nearby
- Talking during the concert
- Throwing things on stage
- Filming with your camera/phone in the air
The states with the “most annoying” fans at concerts according to Betaway respondents are Wisconsin (1), Louisiana (2), Oklahoma (3), Massachusetts (4), Minnesota (4), and New Mexico (5).
To have a more friendly concert experience, you’ll have to travel to Nebraska, which is reported to have the fans with the “least disruptive behavior.”