In 1998, Nicole Kidman and Sandra Bullock starred in Practical Magic. The spooky, heartwarming film is based on the shared name novel by Alice Hoffman. The story follows sisters Sally and Gillian Owen who possess magical abilities that come with a wicked curse-any man they fall in love with is struck with an untimely demise.
Practical Magic navigates the Owen sister’s relationships with each other, their magic skills, and various love interests and is all set in a fictional Massachusetts town. It’s been confirmed that a Practical Magic sequel is in the works!
What is the Practical Magic filming location?
Although set in a quaint coastal Massachusetts town, Practical Magic was actually filmed in the Pacific Northwest. The movie filmed on Whidbey Island. They filmed on the island town of Coupeville, Washington. Coupeville is a Victorian-era costal town with a port dating back to 1905.
Will there be a Practical Magic 2?
Warner Bros just announced a Practical Magic sequel! The film, which had a slow build in fandom since the 90s, now has a loyal spread of admirers, eager for Practical Magic 2! They’re even more eager for the return of Nicole Kidman and Sandra Bullock. It is still not revealed if they’ve signed on for the sequel, however, there will be a second film.