Who doesn’t love the ceviche dishes and pisco cocktails that Peruvian cuisine has to offer? Now, thanks to Maria Rondeau and JuanMa Calderon of Union Square’s beloved Celeste, Cambridge is gaining a daring new Peruvian restaurant that is dedicated to showcasing all the regional interpretations of Peruvian cooking.
Highly-anticipated by the likes of Vogue, La Royal opens February 22, 2022, in Cambridge’s Huron Village neighborhood.
While it bears some similarities to its sister Celeste— like the open kitchen at the middle of the restaurant providing endless entertainment for all to admire— there are also a few key differences. While Celeste serves up more classic, homestyle Peruvian dishes, La Royal’s menu will be a little more adventurous and ambitious in their flavors. It’s also twice as big of a space in comparison to Celeste, so there will be plenty more party opportunities available.
While everything on the menu is worth a try, our picks includes leche de tigre with fried shrimp, the La Royale burger, and the fried seafood platter jalea.
La Royal’s venue is an early-1900s building that once housed a printing press, and there’s plenty of open space and bright sunlight. There’s also some interesting art pieces in the works: a bullet curtain similar to the one at Celeste will be installed soon, and a huge pothos plant chandelier is already an eye-catching attribute of the space.
La Royal is now accepting walk-ins and reservations through Resy.
Find La Royal at 221 Concord Ave. in Cambridge, MA. They are open Tuesday-Thursday from 5-10pm, Friday 5-11pm, and Saturday 4-11pm.
[featured image: Facebook / Celeste]