“Even the creators of Black Mirror couldn’t make this year up.” Yep, this year has been its own real-life Black Mirror episode across the world. The hit show, which is currently on Netflix, already has 22 episodes and a...
Halloween time, baby! Given that 2020 has been, put lightly, a bit of a shambles — it might be fun to play pretend for a bit. So, Halloween might be the perfect time for this godforsaken year. Let’s see if t...
Great news for all the stargazers out there! A ‘corn moon’ is rolling into town and hitting up Boston skies today (September 2). This celestial only tends to happen once every few years. So, lovers of space and stars, p...
Fancy taking your sleep game to the next level? Well this might send the bedtime reader into overdrive. Yes, what if we told you that it’s possible to doze off surrounded by elephants? That is indeed what’s on offer in...
A bar filled with all things chocolate has arrived in Amsterdam. Thanks to Tony’s Chocolonely, we have a sudden burning desire to move to the Netherlands. This brand new chocolate paradise is the perfect warm-up for the...
Copenhagen is getting a set of amazing floating parks. Slowly but surely, our parks are coming back to life. Between the sunny weather and lockdown rules easing, we can start to make the most of our surrounding green sp...
You love to sea it. This is one to add to your bucket list. As well as playing host to the northern lights, Norway is set to add another spectacular reason to visit to its long roster. A spot to view some beautiful whal...