In Cape Cod, Massachusetts you’ll encounter mascots like the vineyard vines smiling pink whale, Martin the Bear, and Homer of the Cape Cod Commodores— to name a few. Nearly 7,000 miles away in Tokyo, Japan, Duffy, the smiling bear, is the mascot of a mini Cape Cod-inspired town inside the Tokyo Disneyland theme park.
Japanese locals and tourists alike are enthralled with the miniature version of the classic New England region and it’s smiling bear. Cape Cod is part of the theme park’s “American Waterfront,” which has two parts, one designed to resemble Cape Cod and another to represent the New York City waterfront in 1910. The Cape Cod waterfront village in Tokyo reflects a classic New England fishing community, with docked wooden schooners, a striped lighthouse, a red-painted wooden shack, and even a Town Hall inspired by an annual “Cape Cod Cook-off.”
Duffy the Disney Bear is the official mascot of the Cape Cod fishing village. Disney executives decided to make this Duffy’s hometown when they noticed rising popularity of Duffy in Asia—his sailor uniform fit the Old Cape Cod theme perfectly! Duffy is now part of the Cape Cod Cook-Off Theatre in Cape Cod at Tokyo DisneySea known as “My Friend Duffy.”
The Cape Cod village also features a statue of Micky steering a sailboat wheel. Staged boats line the shores of the small waterfront, totally creating an illusion of New England in Tokyo! The enthusiasm for Cape Cod at Disney extends beyond Tokyo, all the way to Paris!