City of Boston officials painted giant “leaves” on the Boston Common to encourage safe social distancing among locals.
Giant “leaves” have appeared around the Parkman Bandstand on the Boston Common to encourage safe social distancing. City of Boston officials teamed up with the Mayor’s Mural crew–a Parks and recreation group that creates neighborhood landmarks within Boston parks and playgrounds–in partnership with the Mayor’s Office New Urban Mechanics to give Bostonians a safe seating space on the park.
The @mayorsmuralcrew teamed up with the @newurbanmechs to create socially distant “leaves” around the Parkman Bandstand to help promote safe seating on Boston Common.
Learn more:
— City of Boston (@CityOfBoston) August 8, 2020
Inspired by other Parks and Recreation Departments across the country like New York and San Francisco, the Boston department has jumped on the social distancing trend and has put its own spin on it. The 56 giant leaves around the Parkman Bandstand were installed by the Mayor’s Mural crew–a Parks and recreation group that creates neighborhood landmarks within Boston parks and playgrounds–in partnership with the Mayor’s office and Mayor’s Office New Urban Mechanics.
“With design and implementation planning from the Mayor’s Office of New Urban Mechanics, these 56 socially-distant leaves were installed by the Mayor’s Mural Crew who carefully measured each leaf before spray painting the grass using a hand-made stencil,” reads a statement on the city’s website.
These new leaves give Bostonians the awesome chance to continue with one of the most popular summer traditions in the city and lounge around the commons safely and while practicing social distancing. “We hope that this installation will encourage social distancing, and help our park goers remain safe and healthy.”
see also: Massachusetts Officials Announce New Restrictions on Restaurants And Outdoor Gatherings
[featured image: Boston Gov]